These 2 pictures are related to
the topic because on one of the pictures there is a stand, it says The Brown- Nusbaum
Family Exhibition center and the other one shows the background of this stand. I
took these 2 pictures on a field trip, where our History class went, to learn
more about Jews at Holocaust. I chose these 2 pictures because had showed that
Canada had tried a lot to keep the History and also wish that everyone can
learn from it.
Holocaust started at 1933 and ended in 1945, which is the end of WW2. Nazis forced Jew to live together in a certain area, called ghettos. Before WW2 started most Jews were political prisoners. After WW2 started Jews were required to wear the Star of David. Jews in the concentration camps were used as slavery, medical test samples, or killed in gas chambers. Jewish family, at that time, would hide their children in 2 ways: Physical and Identical.